How do I/we start the process?
To begin completing the EQUIP National Standards Review, contact Mentoring Central by email at mentoringcentral@irtinc.us or phone 919-493-7700. Once we have discussed with you the needs of your program, you can begin.
Who is my Certified External Reviewer?
Your Certified External Reviewer has been trained and certified in conducting the EQUIP National Standards Review. This person will guide you through the process of completing the self-assessment and will conduct the external review of your program. This person will also help develop a quality improvement plan for your program.
Who else has access to my data?
Your data are stored on a secure, password-protected server. Only iRT, your program, and your Certified External Reviewer will have access to your data.
What if we don't have supporting documentation?
It is perfectly acceptable if you do not have supporting documentation for all of your program practices. By engaging in the EQUIP/National Standards Review, you will identify what types of documentation you need to develop for your program. Your Certified External Reviewer will work with you to make a plan for developing the additional materials you need for your program.
Do I have to complete the whole self-assessment at once?
No, you do not need to complete the self-assessment in one sitting. The EQUIP system will automatically save your responses to a set of questions when you hit the "Next", "Save", or "Previous" buttons, so your responses will appear when you next login.
What types of files can I upload?
You can upload Microsoft Word Documents, Microsoft Excel Documents, Text Files, Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations, and PDF documents. You can also enter a website address as a form of documentation.
Do I have to answer every question?
To best assess whether your program is fully meeting the benchmarks and enhancements described in the EEPM, you will need to respond to all relevant questions.
How do I know if I have successfully submitted my self-assessment?
Once you have responded to all items in the Self-Assessment, you will be directed to the "Certify and Submit" page. This page instructs you to review your completed assessment, certify that it is correct, and submit the assessment for review.
Can I make edits to my self assessment after submitting it?
No, you cannot make edits to your self-assessment after you click the "Submit" button. It is important to review your self-assessment before submitting it. However, if you have new information, or if practices at your program have changed since you submitted your assessments, contact your Technical Assistance provider for further guidance.
Can I have a copy of my self-assessment responses?
Yes. Your Technical Assistance provider will send you a *Self-Assessment Report* which will include your responses to the self-assessment questions.
How long does it take for my Technical Assistance Provider to review my Self-Assessment?
We estimate that it will take Technical Assistance Providers 40 hours to fully review a completed Self-Assessment. Contact your Technical Assistance provider if you would like to learn the status of your review or to establish a communication plan.