Posted by eporter on January 19, 2024
Mentoring Central Welcomes New Research Intern
Mentoring Central is pleased to welcome Abbey Collins to its team of skilled, world-renowned researchers and creative professionals. Collins joined Mentoring Central, a division of iRT, this month as a research intern to contribute to the research and development of high-quality mentor trainings on topics related to cultural competency.
Collins brings a wealth of research experience in the fields of behavioral science and neuroscience to iRT, with publications in the Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine (in press), Psychology of Women Quarterly, Experimental Aging Research, and Epilepsy & Behavior. As a current doctoral student in the Department of Applied Social Psychology at North Carolina State University, Collins conducts research related to the impacts of stress from racism and/or discrimination on the physical health of Black people. Her research interests also include examining physical and psychological mechanisms that protect the health of Black people.
Collins’ passion for health promotion and expertise in the impacts of racism and discrimination on the health of Black people are invaluable contributions to iRT’s projects aimed at advancing the health and well-being of youth. As a research intern, she will contribute to a literature review of research and theory on cultural competency and cultural humility. In addition, she will contribute to the development of a new cultural competency training to teach new mentors matched with youth the knowledge and strategies they need to support a mentee who is experiencing racism, discrimination, and/or microaggressions. She looks forward to contributing to meaningful projects that focus on enhancing the mental health, health, and quality of life of youth, families, and communities.
“I’m thrilled to get the opportunity to intern at iRT and get experience applying the research skills I have gained thus far to create meaningful products that will hopefully benefit the individuals who will get to use them,” she says.
iRT continues to value the diverse backgrounds and perspectives that research interns bring to iRT’s team and strives to use the team’s expertise to conduct and disseminate high-quality, innovative basic and applied research. If you are interested in cultural competency training for positive youth development workers and volunteers, contact us at